Kind Words
Expect God to speak through your heart as you read Let the Winds Blow. It is an inward discovery of what Jesus means to you and how much you mean to Him. Nothing can compare to His love, and nothing brings His love closer to our hearts than the Song of Songs! Read it as though you were hearing a love song sung over you! And by the way, pick up a copy for a friend; they will thank you for it!”
—Brian Simmons
Lead Translator of The Passion Translation, New London, Connecticut
The Call, Colorado Springs, Colorado
—Lou & Therese Engle
It’s an experience, an exchange of affection, revealed to a heart, and then unveiled by that same heart. To those who have not experienced God as a Bridegroom/King, this book is an excellent doorway into His heart of love and affection for His bride. Don’t just pick this book up. Buy it and share it. Your heart will thank you.
—Chris DuPré
Writer, pastor, speaker, Author of The Wild Love of God, Franklin, Tennessee

About The Author

Let the Winds Blow by Evelyn Donelson is a devotional study guide that takes you on a verse-by-verse journey through Song of Songs. Readers will see the Shulamite Bride, who is a picture of the Bride of Christ, as she moves from immaturity and brokenness to become a mature, vibrant, beautiful bride prepared for her Bridegroom, Jesus.
He has invited every believer into union and partnership with Him for eternity. His desire is that we join Him in establishing the kingdom of His Father on earth. Evelyn Donelson opens up this book in a practical way through her years of experience walking with the Lord and the testimony of what He has done in her own life.
Youth With A Mission, Cofounder of Fire & Fra
-Amy Ward
Senior Pastor, Northgate Alaska, Wasilla, Alaska
—Dennis Hotchkiss